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Brandi Byrd

Member At Large High School

What position are you running for in the WTU? At-Large high school

If you are running on a slate, provide the name: Unity

What school(s) do you work at? Anacostia High School

What is your current role at your school? Social Studies TLI

How many years have you worked for DCPS? 15

Describe your leadership experience, including what you have done in the WTU Member of LSAT, SCAC, personnel committee, principal selection committee

Why are you running? (Max. 1000 characters) To support a union that works for its members to thrive in our careers.

What is your vision for the union? (Max. 1000 characters) I envision the Union working at its full capacity to protect its members from unfair working conditions and to always have a current contract that reflects cost of living increases.

If elected, what are your top 3 priorities that you would focus on to achieve your vision for the WTU? (Max. 1000 characters) 1. A contract 2. An evaluation system that focuses on developing educators 3. Open forums for needs on the individual school level

What are your top 3 contract priorities for future negotiations?

What is the strategy the WTU should take to achieve that vision?

If elected, what is your role in achieving that vision?

If elected, how do you see yourself working with caucuses like DC-CORE? Yes

Do you believe that the WTU should organize and prepare to be "strike ready"? Yes

Brandi Byrd
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