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Preparing for Action + Next Steps

Thank you to the over 200 people who made it to our meeting tonight. We saw that there is a lot of fear, confusion and unanswered questions regarding how DCPS plans to go back to in person instruction on Wednesday, January 5th and that the need to prepare for a collective action to keep our educators and students safe is paramount.

Next Steps for all WTU Members:

  1. Take the poll and share with your members regarding a collective action:

  2. Email WTU President Pogue Lyons ( asking for a meeting before Jan 5th to discuss collective action for Wednesday.

  3. We encourage every Building Rep to host a meeting with the members at your school on Jan 3rd to get the pulse of what they are feeling about Wednesday and whether they are willing to take action. (If you are not a building rep - ask your rep to hold the meeting or hold your own if they are unwilling!)

For both Educators + Parents

  1. Sign and share the petition around our top demands:

  2. Write your council members to encourage them to support a call for virtual instruction until DCPS has a clear and public metric around pivoting to virtual instruction that includes a Community Spread Metric and paid COVID leave is restored.

For Parents:

  1. Join with other parents organizing around this issue by reaching out to Becky Reina:

If the WTU does not have a meeting before Wednesday, January 5th, we will schedule another one to discuss the data from our poll and make final decisions on what we want to do as a collective with regards to in person instruction.

Thank you for your activism and stay safe.

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